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Core Public Service - Collaboration in the Working Group

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 23/11/2012 Last update: 25/10/2017 Document

Mailing List

The Working Group works with a publicly archived mailing list (under construction).

How to work with the Arkadin conference call system

The Arkadin phone conference system requires participants to:

  • Dial in using their telephone for audio connection;
  • Connect to the Web Conference for Web connection.
1. Dial in (audio connection)
  1. Dial the following number: Belgium - Toll: +32 (0)24015454
  2. Provide the participant PIN: (mandatory, see the mail you'll have received announcing the meeting)

Please note that we unfortunately cannot provide a toll-free dial-in number. Participants are advised to use a VoIP service such as Skype or VoipCheap to reduce your telephone costs.

2. Connect to the Web conference (Web connection)
  1. Click on the direct link provided to you in the invitation e-mail or navigate to:
  2. Enter the Web Login: (mandatory, see the mail you'll have received announcing the meeting)
  3. Enter your participant PIN code: (mandatory, see the mail you'll have received announcing the meeting)
  4. Enter your name as you would like it to appear to participants (mandatory)
  5. Click Go to conduct an instant meeting
3. Practical arrangements during the call

3.1 Link your audio connection and your Web connection

After you enter the audio portion of your web conference, you can enter an Identification code on your telephone keypad that is displayed on the screen. This code is unique to all participants. When you enter the unique Identification code provided onscreen, you will be identified by your web login name in one line within the Participant Window.

3.2 Mute/unmute your microphone

We ask each participant to put his microphone on mute and thus prevent background noises to disturb the meeting. Do not forget to unmute your microphone when you are speaking.
*1 to Mute/Un-mute your own line

3.3 Make annotations

When displaying documents, all users can be authorized to make annotations. Please note that these annotations can only be saved as PDF documents afterwards.

3.4 Use the chat window

The chat window can be used by all participants to share URLs or information in writing. During the Working Group meetings the scribe will use the chat window to write down what every user has been saying.

3.5 Signalling that you want to speak

If you want to speak, please enter 'q+' in the chat window. The scribe and chair will monitor the chat window and see that you wish to speak. If you decide that you no longer wish to speak, just enter 'q-'.



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