We are very pleased to inform you that we have just released v0.4 of the Asset Description Metadata Schema for Software (ADMS.SW) on the project wiki. The specification itself contains a version "_TC" with track changes, linking the changes to issues that have been raised. You can obtain it via the following link:
We hope that this release adequately addresses the issues raised during the public review and the subsequent working group meeting of June 5 [2]. In a nutshell the following changes have been applied
- AMDS.F/OSS has been renamed ADMS.SW [4]
- admssw:SoftwarePackage is now defined as a sub-class of spdx:Package, to allow better reuse and alignment [5]
- we align with the software identifying system of the ISO/IEC 19770-2:2009 standard by including an optional swid:softwareId relationship [6]
- the RDF schema reuses additional properties from schema.org [7]
- the licence type vocabulary been fitted with precise definitions[8]
- we now speak of Software Release and Software Package [9]
- various unclarities have been resolved.
We would like to invite all members of the working group to carefully review the current draft specification. As from next week, we will start finalising the specification and will release version 1.00 by the end of June. After that, we plan to start several pilot implementations, including a spreadsheet tool and a federated catalogue on the Joinup platform.
Thank you for your interest and valuable contributions.
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