On 12 March 2024 from 10:00 until 12:00 CET the second Working Group webinar on the revision of GeoDCAT-AP was held.
GeoDCAT-AP is an extension of DCAT-AP for describing geospatial datasets. It provides an RDF syntax binding for the union of metadata elements defined in the core profile of ISO 19115:2003 and those defined in the framework of the INSPIRE Directive. The goal of this revision and accompanying series of webinars is to align the specification with DCAT-AP 3.0 and its annex, DCAT-AP for HVD, as well as to investigate its relationship and intersection with other semantic standards in order to achieve interoperability.
This webinar was the second in the series of the revision of GeoDCAT-AP, following the introductory webinar where the state of play, GeoDCAT-AP & the DCAT-AP ecosystem were discussed. This second Working Group webinar covered issues regarding generic organisation & findability.
Feedback for issues that were not resolved during this webinar can be provided on GitHub.
Concretely, the following topics were discussed:
Datasets, Distributions and their relationships
Categories (alignment with DCAT-AP 3.0): keywords, categories, themes