We would like to announce the latest DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) bug fix and share with you the main highlights!
What’s new?
This new version 2.0.1 implements bug fix changes to the DCAT-AP version 2.0.0, addressing the comments received via GitHub. The main updates cover minor editorial changes, such as:
- corrections to the prefix mappings;
- insertion of reference on the recommendation URL of DCAT;
- updates to the dcterms version to the 012-06-14 version;
- corrections to the shacl templates;
- version change from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1.
A complete list of the issues and their resolution can be found on the DCAT-AP GitHub.
Discover and download version 2.0.1 in our DCAT-AP solutions space.
What was the process?
In April 2018, the ISA² Programme of the European Commission started the bug fix release cycle for DCAT-AP aiming to address requests for change received by users through the GitHub repository. A public review was organised in line with the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP. DCAT-AP Working Group members and users were invited to share their comments by the 22nd of June 2020.
What's next?
The remaining open issues, not covered in this release, will be discussed in the DCAT-AP Working Group as of July 2020 in preparation for the next minor release that is scheduled for November 2020.