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Knowledge Centre

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The Knowledge Centre gives you access to key information published by the Open Source Observatory as well as external resources to learn more about the development of OSS throughout the European Union and beyond. 

 In particular, here you can find: 

Abstract image illustrating country intelligence

OSS Country Intelligence Reports and Factsheets

Country intelligence reports and factsheets on open source software policies and initiatives throughout the European Union and beyond

Abstract image visualising guidelines

Reports and Guidelines

Guiding documents sharing practical tips and and good practices on the use, development, maintenance, and procurement of open source software by public administrations

Abstract image illustrating case studies

Case studies

More than 100 case studies on the deployment of open source software within public administrations

Abstract visualisation of specific resources

Specific Resources

A list of open source software associations, competence centres, and points of contact

Abstract image visualising OSS repositories

OSS Repositories

A collection of repositories with reusable open source software solutions for public administrations

Abstract image visualising OSS strategy

OSS Strategy

A link to the website dedicated to the European Commission's Open Source Software Strategy 

Newsletter's Icon

OSOR Newsletters

Monthly updates on the latest news, studies, software and upcoming events on the topics of open source software

Icon for the interactive resource map

Interactive Resource Map

This interactive map helps you find information and resources about open source software by country