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Open Government Partnership National Action Plan of the Slovak Republic 2017 – 2019

Published on: 01/03/2017 Last update: 01/07/2017 Document Archived

Open Government Partnership National Action Plan of the Slovak Republic 2017 – 2019 (English version)


Adopted by the Government Resolution No. 104/2017 In Bratislava, March 1st 2017


Below is the text from page 13:


1.3 Open Source Software


The ongoing computerization of services of public administration has brought a number of applications, plug-ins and information systems which are often developed in so-called proprietary manner. Proprietary method of development does not allow free access to the source code, and it is therefore not possible to study and re-use the source code in other software or to develop new applications. The source code is part of software that most users do not see – it allows programmers to study and change how programs and applications behave.


Open source software is software with source code freely available to all in order to enable studying, modification, and further development and improvement. By developing software as open source (with a careful assessment of this option in the case of specialized software containing classified information or sensitive data), and therefore by disclosing parts of code and making it possible for public administration entities to use open source software, effectiveness of use of resources is increased.

Commitment No. 16: Enable the disclosure of source code and development using open methods for newly developed plug-ins and extensions of web browsers and client applications.

Responsible: the ministers, the head of the Government Office, the heads of other central government bodies

Deadline: ongoing, evaluation on December 31


Commitment No. 17: Document the use of selected open source components in custom-made information systems, analyze the possibility of publishing parts of the code and documentation under an open license and publish selected parts of the code.

Responsible: the ministers, the head of the Government Office and heads of other central government bodies

Deadline: October 31, 2017


Commitment No. 18: Publish at the Open Data Portal the list of used open source software stating the purpose of each type of software, license type, as well as software for which a government body has a license for its use, distribution and publishing

Responsible: the ministers, the head of the Government Office and heads of other central government bodies

Deadline: July 31, 2017


Commitment No. 19: In cooperation with experts, carry out a study that will document the possibilities, advantages and disadvantages of using open source software and other licensing models in the state administration.

Responsible: Deputy Prime Minister for investment and Informatization, in cooperation with the ministers, the head of the Government Office, chair of the Public Procurement Office and the Plenipotentiary of the Government for the Development of Civil Society

Deadline: December 31, 2017


Commitment No. 20: Carry out an initial feasibility study on the introduction of satellite account for NGOs (cost-benefit analysis).

Responsible: head of the Slovak Statistical Office in cooperation with the Plenipotentiary of the Government for the Development of Civil Society

Deadline: December 31, 2017

Nature of documentation: Policy/Strategy papers


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