In September 2023, the town of Échirolles initiated the creation of a collective called "Alpes Numérique Libre". Open to all local authorities in the Grenoble region, it brings together the CIOs of some twenty local authorities. Alpes Numérique Libre meets every two months. In between, exchanges take place via an e-mail discussion list and a shared NextCloud folder. A Mastodon account, created on SITPI's "" server, enables communication. The creation of this collective has already enabled 10 local authorities in the region to participate in ADULLACT's "Territoire Numérique Libre" label. There have been several calls for other groups to be set up in France. The ultimate aim is to federate all the collectives in France, to create a genuine network of CIOs in the country's local authorities, and to federate local tools and initiatives.