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GovTech Connect Boot camp 3 | From pilot to scaling: delivering impact at scale in the public sector

Published on: 30/05/2024 Document
cover of speakers

🧩 Key Takeaways from week 4 of our GovTech Connect Western Boot Camp! 🧩 
This session focused on strategies for startups to transition from pilot projects to scalable solutions with the potential for significant public sector impact.

Startups received guidance on overcoming challenges related to scalability, interoperability, and sustainability, and were shown examples of valuable lessons learned from successfully scaled initiatives.
Discover what our key experts had to say:

🔊 Matthijs Goense - Project Lead, City Pass - Gemeente Zwolle, and Partner - TiltShift
“Prioritise user research and stand firm on not compromising. Foster urgency around problem-solving, even if the problem isn't immediately evident.”

💡 Matthias Lichtenthaler - Innovation and Sustainability Senior Advisor
“Emphasise demonstrating the value of your solution to government agencies. Prioritise highlighting cost savings, efficiency gains, or other tangible benefits that match government priorities.”

📈 Arthur H. - Deputy to the Head of the Digital Services Incubator - Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM)
“Showcase how your solution can financially benefit the administration, particularly if budgetary allocation is lacking.”

🌍 Paulo Kalkhake - Project Lead - GovTechH Hamburg
“Highlight problem-focused approaches and strive for ‘need-pull’ to tackle real issues.”


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