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Design Thinking Tools for Stakeholder Engagement

Empower your Stakeholder Engagement Skills with GovTech Connect

Try out our Reusable Portfolio and Explore the Latest Highlights on Design Thinking in GovTech Connect!

The GovTech Connect Reusable Portfolio


A Reusable Portfolio for Design Thinking in GovTech

The Reusable Portfolio is designed to promote a Design Thinking methodology for the GovTech domain, as an iterative approach to innovation. It contains 20 tools emphasising the importance of adopting a human-centred and systemic perspective when developing solutions to digitalise public services and improve service delivery.
As such, it supports start-ups, SMEs, government agencies, and public organisations to create user-centric GovTech solutions. 

Explore the GovTech Connect Reusable Portfolio!

Click here to explore the template in Miroverse and start using it on your Miro, or Download the PDF Version of the tools here!


The Reusable Portfolio is a comprehensive repository of ready-to-be-used tools, offering guidance on how to apply Design Thinking, and User and Stakeholder Engagement to support the design of better services. These tools are presented in an easily accessible and adaptable format, ensuring support for practitioners in their daily activities and promoting seamless integration and implementation. The template can be used as a Miro template, ensuring interaction and participation.

It aims at favouring engagement of relevant actors bringing an impact at two distinct levels: the solution and the organisation behind its development. On the solution level, it assists in identifying and elaborating on problems, sparking innovative possibilities, and ensuring that solutions are rooted in the genuine needs of users. At the organisational level, it has the potential to support start-ups and SMEs to put participatory practices in place, progressively including them in their mindset.

The Reusable Portfolio presents the tools along the four phases of the Design Thinking process:

  1. Context Analysis, which emphasises detailed observation and analysis of the context and its stakeholders to gather essential insights that guide the design process.
  2. Problem Framing and Reframing, where collected data is synthesised to better frame and reframe the initial problem, fostering a deeper understanding.
  3. Envisioning Solutions, which involves generating a range of ideas as potential alternatives to address the identified problem.
  4. Prototyping and Testing, which involves employing various techniques to develop a solution prototype, which is then tested within an iterative process.

Within each phase, the portfolio offers an array of tools that practitioners can select and apply as is, or tailor and adjust according to their specific needs.

The use of this portfolio hinges on two distinct approaches:

  1. Comprehensive Adoption: This approach entails adopting the portfolio as a holistic framework. Practitioners begin with tools associated with contextual analysis and progress sequentially through problem definition, exploration of alternative solutions, and finally, prototyping and testing.
  2. Selected Use of Tools: The alternative approach involves selectively utilising tools tailored to address specific needs. Each tool functions as a standalone resource for precise problem-solving in well-defined challenges. The portfolio's structured organisation facilitates the selection of tools that align with the specific phase of the project, enabling practitioners to tailor their approach accordingly.

If you want to deepen your understanding of how Design Thinking can enhance stakeholder engagement in GovTech, don’t miss the training course on EU Academy: Design Thinking Methodology for Stakeholder Engagement in GovTech.

Explore how user-centered design drives innovation in the public sector, with real-world case studies and a focus on co-creating impactful solutions to societal challenges. This course equips you with the skills to design and implement meaningful GovTech solutions.

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