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EIF Perspective attributes of EIRA

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: European Commission (DG Informatics) - ISA² Programme


The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA©) is an architecture content metamodel defining the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable e-Government systems. The EIRA© provides a common terminology that can be used by people working for public administrations in various architecture and system development tasks. The EIRA© was created and is being maintained in the context of Action 2016.32 of the ISA² Programme. The EIRA uses (and extends) the ArchiMate language as a modeling notation and uses service orientation as an architectural style. 

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Common frameworks
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The EIRA implements the following:

EIRA implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 1 | Subsidiarity and proportionality

    EIRA helps public administrations to ensure compliance with EIF by providing insights on the key interoperability enablers and a comprehensive review of the quality of the descriptions of each architecture building block. EIRA© consists of several views, including one view for each of the EIF interoperability levels.

  • Recommendation 2 | Openness

    EIRA Architecture Building Blocks support the EIF principle of openness and encourages the concept of publication of data as open data. 

  • Recommendation 5 | Transparency

    The use of EIIRA Architecture Building Blocks helps to ensure solution owners internal visibility and enables them to provide external interfaces for European public services. 

  • Recommendation 6 | Reusability

    EIRA defines the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable eGovernment systems. This provides a framework allowing the description of solutions using well established controlled vocabulary. EIRA also facilitates the discovery and reusability of existing solutions.

  • Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    EIRA ensures technological neutrality as it does not impose the use of any specific technology when implementing the solution architecture. 

  • Recommendation 10 | User centricity

    The technical view of EIRA takes into account the use of multiple channels to provide the European public services. 

  • Recommendation 14 | Inclusion and accessibility

    The EIRA EIF view contains the principle of accessibility. 

  • Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy

    The EIRA EIF view contains the principle of security and privacy and it is also included in the technical view of EIRA. 

  • Recommendation 16 | Multilingualism

    The EIRA EIF view contains the principle of multilingualism and it is also included in the technical view of EIRA. 

  • Recommendation 20 | Interoperability governance

    EIRA provides an architecture that accelerates the design of systems that support the delivery and governance of interoperable digital public services (across borders and sectors).

  • Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance

    EIRA provides a framework that can facilitate the identification of standards and specifications linked to the most salient interoperability building blocks.

  • Recommendation 25 | Integrated public service governance

    EIRA framework can support the implementation of a governance structure to ensure smooth exchange of information and interoperability. 

  • Recommendation 26 | Integrated public service governance

    EIRA provides a framework for describing key Interoperability Agreement Enablers as architecture building blocks. These architecture building blocks are key interoperability enablers for assessing agreements.

  • Recommendation 28 | Organisational interoperability

    EIRA contains an organisational view, which can support public administrations in achieving organisational interoperability.

  • Recommendation 29 | Organisational interoperability

    EIRA provides a framework that facilitates the formalisation of organisation relationships.

  • Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability

    The semantic view of EIRA takes into account the existence of data and open data policies. 

  • Recommendation 31 | Semantic interoperability

    The semantic view of EIRA takes into account the existence of master data and descriptive metadata policy. 

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    The semantic interoperability specification takes into account the creation of cross-sectoral communities that aim to create open information specifications and encourage relevant communities to share their results on national and European platforms. 

  • Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability

    EIRA facilitates the identification of interoperability specifications and promotes the use of common interoperability specifications based on open standards referenced in the European Interoperability Cartography.

  • Recommendation 34 | Model

    EIRA provides an architecture together with key components and building blocks that can support the implementation of the EIF Conceptual model. 

  • Recommendation 37 | Base registries

    The semantic view of EIRA contains a master data policy focusing on making authoritative sources of information available to others. 

  • Recommendation 38 | Base registries

    The semantic view of EIRA contains a base registry data policy, focusing on management of base registries. 

  • Recommendation 39 | Base registries

    The semantic view of EIRA contains a master data and descriptive metadata policy, focusing on metadata management. 

  • Recommendation 41 | Open data

    The semantic view of EIRA contains an open data policy, focusing on integrated of opening of data into common business processes, among other things. 

  • Recommendation 42 | Open data

    The semantic view of EIRA contains an open data policy, which supports the publication of open data in machine-readable non-proprietary formats. 

  • Recommendation 43 | Open data

    EIRA can support public administrations as a common model to describe interoperability solutions, including the rights to access and reuse open data. 

  • Recommendation 44 | Catalogues

    EIRA can support public administrations as a common model to describe interoperability solutions, including making of catalogues of public data, common solutions and other public assets.

  • Recommendation 47 | Security and privacy

    EIRA includes several trust services according to the Regulation on eID and Trust services in its technical view.