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IDPSIO v2.1.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 09/02/2023 Last update: 12/09/2024

The IDPSIO (Interoperable Digital Public Services Implementation Orientation) Assessment Tool aims to supports digital public service owners in deciding the approach to follow in order to implement their digital public services. The IDPSIO model has been developed to support the Member States in understanding the implementation impacts from different angles: integration, technology, governance, and legal.

The IDPSIO Assessment Tool is divided into 5 different sections:

1) Introduction: This section aims to provide Public Service owners with introductory information and to collect information about where the service owner learned about IDPSIO.

2) Implementation Orientation of the Public Administration: This section aims to evaluate the impact of implementation choices in the digitalization of public services from different points of view. (Legal, Technological, Semantic, Organisational)

3) Delegation of Powers of Public Administration: This section aims to understand whether and to which degree Public Service is delegated, collecting information regarding the provision of the public service to other administrative tiers in the concerned public policy.

4) DPS requirements in corpus of legal acts: This section aims to evaluate the regulation granularity level of the Public Service under examination.

5) Findings: This section illustrates to the user the results of the survey with a recommendation on how to improve its implementation orientation and a description of the possible scenarios.

Start your IDPSIO assessment! 

The current version of IDPSIO (IDPSIO v2.1.0) is available at the herokuapp: IDPSIO Questionnaire (