Through GRNET, the National Infrastructures for Research and Technology Company, the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance launches one of the most ambitious and advanced Digital Europe projects: DigiGOV-innoHUB.
The aim is to develop an ecosystem of digital transformation actors by promoting innovation in Public Administration through the National Portal for Public Services. All pilot projects will be implemented using open standards, while their source code and documentation available under the European Union Public License (EUPL) and published on the European Commission’s Joinup platform. The new generation of Greek public services will be based on advanced digital technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain and High Performance Computing (HPC).
DigiGOV-innoHUB objectives are aligned with the Digital Europe Programme, Greece’s Digital Transformation Strategy 2020-2025, as well as with other European and national policies such as the OECD Framework for Innovation in the Public Sector.
- Objective 1. Support the development of a new generation of public services leveraging advanced digital technologies (AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, HPC), with open source, open data and open standards.
- Objective 2. Develop an ecosystem of digital transformation actors at every level of public administration
- Objective 3. Promote innovation in the Public Administration, turning it into a leading investor in digital innovation market by introducing Pre-Commercial Procurement
- Objective 4. Facilitate regional cooperation and international networking with similar initiatives and activities in the context of open government principles
- Objective 5. Strengthen the digital skills of executives from Greek SMEs and civil servants in designing, developing, procuring, adopting and delivering innovative digital public services.
With the support of the country’s leading Academic and Research Institutions specializing in AI, HPC and digital government; with more than 25 partners (universities, public sector agencies, regional authorities, civil society organisations and private companies) GRNET has the ambition to bring government services to the highest level of ICT art and technology.
More information: https://digigov.innohub.gr
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