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Project Deliveries





WP1: Comparative study: Comparison of software development methodologies at the European institutions and in free and open source communities

WP1-Task01: Analysis of software development methodologies used in the European Institutions

Deliverable WP1-01: Initial selection and analysis of project to screen

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Annex "List of prioritised projects" available here (.ods).

Deliverable WP1-03 : Analysis of software development methodologies used in the European Institutions.

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).


nb: Document annexes accessible from the .odt version

WP1-Task02: Analysis of software development methodologies used in the Open Source Software (OSS) communities

Deliverable WP1-02: Approach to execute Task02 in order to engage the necessary number of OSS communities

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Deliverable WP1-04: Analysis of software development methodologies used in the Free and Open Source Software – FOSS communities

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).


nb: Document annexes accessible from the .odt version

WP1-Task03 : General Assessment of the European Institutions and FOSS Communities´ Code Governance Models

Deliverable WP1-05: General Assessment of the European Institutions and FOSS Communities´ Code Governance Models

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).


nb: Document annexes accessible from the .odt version

WP1-Task04: Metrics definition

Deliverable WP1-06: Final metrics definition

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).


nb: Document annexes accessible from the .odt version

WP1-Task05: Comparison of the results of task 1 and task 2 and drafting of a comparative study

Deliverable WP1-07: Comparative Study

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).


nb: Document annexes accessible from the .odt version

Deliverable WP1-08: Dissemination material

Final version

Executive summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Presentation available here (.pdf).

Leaflet available here (.pdf).

WP2: Feasibility study for performing the code reviews for the European institutions.

WP2-Task06: Requirements for the code reviews and their validity for the European Institutions

Deliverable WP2-09: List of requirements for code reviews.

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Annex "Requirement for code review" available here (.ods).

WP2-Task07: Analysis of methods for communicating the checks and results of code reviews, targeting their automated communication

Deliverable WP2-10: List of Tools and Methods for Communicating the Results of Code Reviews

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

WP2-Task08: Design of the method for performing the code reviews for the European institutions

Deliverable WP2-11: Design of the Method for Performing the Code Reviews for the European Institutions

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

WP2-Task09: Drafting of the Feasibility Study

Deliverable WP2-12: Feasibility study and method for doing code reviews of free and open source projects in European institutions, targeting automatic communication of checks and results

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf)

Deliverable WP2-13: Dissemination material

Final version

Executive summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).
Presentation available here (.pdf).
Leaflet available here (.pdf).

WP3: Inventory methodology

WP3-Task01: Development of a methodology to perform periodic inter-institutional inventories of software assets and standards

Deliverable WP3-01: Report on the OSS Inventory Methodology

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf)

Deliverable WP3-02: Proposition of tools to perform periodic inter-institutional inventories of software assets and standards

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf)

Deliverable WP3-03: Selection of tools to perform periodic inter-institutional inventories of software

assets and standards;

Final version

Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf)

Deliverable WP3-04: Installation and Configuration related documentation



Deliverable WP3-05: Dissemination material

Final version

Executive summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Presentation available here (.pdf).

Leaflet available here (.pdf).

WP4: Full inventory of Open Source Software used in the European Commission and the European Parliament

Deliverable WP4-01: Inventory of Open Source Software used in the European Commission and the European Parliament

In progress


Deliverable WP4-02: Dissemination material

In progress


WP5: Full inventory of open technical specifications used in the European Commission and the European Parliament

Deliverable WP5-01: Inventory of open technical specifications used in the European Commission and the European Parliament

In progress


Deliverable WP5-02: Dissemination material

Final version

Executive summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Presentation available here (.pdf).

Leaflet available here (.pdf).

WP6: Sample Code review

Deliverable WP6-01: Code review

Final version

Apache : Code review report available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

KeePass : Code review report available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Deliverable WP6-02: Summary of the evaluation of the results

Final version Apache : Summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

KeePass : Summary available here (.odt) and here (.pdf).

Deliverable WP6-03: General reflection on the experience performing the code reviews in and for the European institutions

Final version Document available here (.odt) and here (.pdf)

Deliverable WP6-04: Dissemination material

In progress /
WP7: Governance, Dissemination, Quality and Project Management Office
        Deliverable WP7-01: Final report In progress /


[ Disclaimer: Documents elaborated in the specific context of the EU – FOSSA project.

Reuse or reproduction authorised without prejudice to the Commission’s or the authors’ rights]