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EU-FOSSA 2 Deliverables


The document contains output files for deliveries arising from the EU-FOSSA 2 Preparatory Action project.

EU-FOSSA 2 Work Package / Deliverable



WP1: Preparation and OSS Studies     

D1.1 Project Charter 


PDF Odt Docx

D1.3 Lessons learned from the EU-FOSSA pilot  Final PDF Odt Docx
D1.4 Define IPR and IT Support requirements for FOSS projects within the EU institutions   Final PDF Odt Docx
D1.5 Review of FOSS usage worldwide and input towards OSS policies of European institutions  Final PDF Odt Docx
 WP2: Extend Inventories    
D2.3  Rationale and list of software to be audited  Final PDF
D2.4a: Inventory of free and open source software used at the European Commission Final ZIP for inventory files
- Inventory Management Presentation  Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Report  Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 1 OSS shortlist ranked by business criticality Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 2 Open source software by system type  Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 3 Open source software by software type Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 4 Assessment of 100 items against the criticality mechanism  Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 5 Open source software dependencies Final in the above zip file
- Inventory Annex 6 Nexus libraries dependencies  Final in the above zip file
D2.4b: Inventory of free and open source software used at the European Council  In Progress  
WP3: Security Audit    
D3.3 Hackathon Video Links Final Symfony  Apache EU Projects
D3.3 Hackathon Summary Report Final PDF  Odt Docx
D3.4 Bug Bounty Summary Report Final  PDF
WP4 Education and Outreach    
D4.1 An overall communication plan  - Project Manifesto and Social Media Video Final Manifesto   Video
D4.2 Public engagement and survey - Survey Results Final Infographic
WP5: Post EU-FOSSA 2    
D5.1 Final Report, Lessons Learned and future outlook  Final PDF ODT Docx
WP6: Dissemination of Results    
D6.1 Presentations from all conferences  Final Zip file (PDFs)