eProcurement Ontology 4.0.0
Latest release
Published on: 24/11/2023
Last update: 04/12/2023
Modeling Procedure in the context of a Mini-Competition:
- Award in the context of a Framework Agreement
- Award in the context of a Dynamic Purchasing System
Standard form mapping requirements:
- Communication means
- Procurement Criteria Summary
- Notice relations harmonisation
eForm mapping requirements:
- Ensure coverage of all BTs from the new eForm Annex
- Implemented new eForm business terms
- Revision of all monetary values
- New module development: eFulfilment, eContract
Post-Award modules alignment (eCatalogue, eOrdering, eFulfilment):
- Creation of information hubs to allow data to be provided either at document or line level if not a combination of the two
- Modelling of different charges allowing for the different requirements across the different phases
- Deliverable becomes a subclass of the Item
- PostAward Objects become Documents
- Changed rdfs:Literal data type to rdf:Plain Literal
- RDF metadata updates
The documentation and release notes of version 4.0.0 can be found here.
Last update: 30/11/2023
ePO 4.0.0
European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 (EUPL)