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eProcurement ontology version 3.0.0 beta Presentation 28 June 2022

eProcurement ontology presentation 28 June 2022 and call for input

Published on: 21/06/2022 Last update: 29/06/2022 News

Version 3.0.0 beta of the eProcurement Ontology was published on 6 June 2022 and was presented in an online meeting on 28 June 2022 

The meeting provided participants the opportunity to ask any questions on the ontology, propose improvements and understand how the ontology has evolved. Please see the presentation attached.


We intend to publish version 3.0.0 of the ontology by the end of July and it is intended to be used in the PPDS (Public Procurement Data Space).  We would therefore appreciate receiving any issues you may have via the eProcurement Ontology Github before 15 July 2022 so that we can include any updates necessary for the version 3.0.0 release foreseen for the end of July or for a future release.


We actively encourage you to send issues both before and after the meeting.  Any issues raised before the meeting will help us structure it to better suit your needs and reflect on any discussions that should be instigated during the meeting.


Please find below links to the major artefacts of version 3.0.0 beta of the eProcurement ontology:

For a comprehensive overview, please refer to:


Looking forward to seeing you in future events.