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Public eProcurement in Norway The Norwegian Government has established a fully operational tool for electronic public procurement. The electronic Marketplace is operated by a private e-procurement service provider, IBX AS.  Electronic Marketplace Services

Single Face to Industry (Sweden)

CEN BII Guidelines & templates
BG: Bulgarian Public Procurement Portal Bulgarian Public Procurement Portal –overview and steps toward e-Procurement. E-Certis End-User Guide Guidelines & templates
The French e-Procurement platform is a service enabling the administration, to publish their calls for tender and companies to answer on-line. Public contracts code (art.56) Policy
Directive 2014/24/EU  Policy
Belgian Federal e-Catalogue platform The Belgian Federal Public Service P&O has set up an e-Catalogue platform (post-awarding), implementing one of the modules of the large e-Procurement project. The Belgian e-Catalogue Platform is an autonomous, open, secure, inter operable, and re-configurable platform where public officers and companies can perform multiple tasks related to their electronic purchase process. e-Catalogue Services
eProcurement Scotland ePS is enabling the Scottish public sector, including central & local government, higher and further education sector and the NHS, to win the cost savings and efficiencies of eProcurement. ePS is a hosted and managed eProcurement service.  mcClelland Report Policy
PIANOo-desk, the interactive community on public procurement In order to improve the level of compliance to European regulations on public procurement the Dutch government established PIANOo. Public officers can go to PIANOo for information, advice or practical tips. TenderNed Services
TenderNed TenderNed is the public eProcurement system for services, supplies and works in the Netherlands. PIANOo-desk Services
SFTI - eProcurement in Sweden The Single Face To Industry (SFTI) is a joint effort, with representation from all three levels, on marketing and awareness activities related to electronic procurement, on development of common specifications, on encouragement of systems development and implementation, and on support to interoperability. CEN BII Guidelines & templates
Single Face to Industry (Sweden) Services
PEPPOL Pan-European Public Procurement Online (PEPPOL) Open e-Prior Software
CEN BII Guidelines & templates
EU: Standard Basic eOrdering Format and Data Structure

Guidelines & templates

UK Digital Inclusion Strategy

Listpoint Listpoint is the open platform for all developers, data publishers and integrators who use code lists in order to build apps, maintain data standards or to build interoperability between multiple data sources. Common Procurement Vocabulary Specifications & standards
CPV Codes (tree format) Specifications & standards
CPV Supplementary Codes  Specifications & standards
Open e-TrustEx This is a first beta release of the Open e-TrustEx document exchange platform. The purpose of this beta release to demonstrate that the concept of e-PRIOR (exchange platform in the e-Procurement domain) could be extended to other domains, therefore it contains some dependencies on e-Procurement.  e-Prior Services
Open e-Trustex  Demo Framework Specifications & standards
Open e-Trustex Installation Guide Guidelines & templates
Open e-Trustex Software Architecture Document Software
Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) aims to strengthen the government's work in renewing the Norwegian public sector and improve the organisation and efficiency of government administration. CEN BII Guidelines & templates
Electronic Marketplace Norwegian e-procurement infrastructure and get started with e-invoicing, e-ordering, e-catalogues and more. Public eProcurement in Norway Services
Single Face to Industry (Sweden) The Single Face To Industry (SFTI) is a joint effort, with representation from all three levels, on marketing and awareness activities related to electronic procurement, on development of common specifications, on encouragement of systems development and implementation, and on support to interoperability. Public eProcurement in Norway Services
SFTI - eProcurement in Sweden Services
E-Certis e-CERTIS is a free, on-line source of information and has been designed to help companies and contracting authorities to cope with the different forms of documentary evidence required for cross-border tenders for public contracts and to identify mutually acceptable equivalents. Golden Book of eProcurement Good Practices Guidelines & templates
E-Certis End-User Guide Services
e-Catalogue Belgian eProcurement multilingual platform bult on open source building blocks composed of two components for the electronic procurement process: the electronic catalogue and electronic ordering. Belgian Federal e-Catalogue platform Services
e-Prior e-PRIOR is the e-Procurement solution developed by the European Commission and funded by the former IDABC and current ISA programme, with goal to stimulate the implementation and re-use of interoperable systems in Europe. Open e-TrustEx Services