The Europass XML Schema V2.1 is a working draft for providing an updated XML schema definition for the Europass XML documents.Its purpose is to define what consitutes a valid XML document for describing a learners personal information, learning and traning achievements, working experiences, competences and skills.
The Europass XML Schema V2.1 is a working draft for providing an updated XML schema definition for the Europass XML documents.
Its purpose is to define what constitutes a valid XML document for describing a learner's personal information, learning and training achievements, working experiences, competences and skills.
The current publicly available version, which is also supported by the Europass CV and Language Passport online editors is V2.0.
The purpose of V2.1 is twofold:
On one hand it aims to be a version on which interoperability initiatives with other systems and organisations will be based (i.e. CV posting to job portals, cv-job matching, etc.)
On the other hand it aims to serve as a basis for further development and extension following an open and public process of review and evaluation. The result of this dialectic process would be the suggestion of a 3rd version of the XML schema, which will be supported by the revamped Europass CV and Language Passport online editors around 2011-12.