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LIFO 2020 Finland - Country Factsheet

LIFO 2020 | Finland

Published on: 18/02/2022 Last update: 17/02/2022 Document
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The Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO) monitors the implementation of location interoperability good practices in European public administrations, based on the level of adoption of recommendations in the EULF Blueprint.

The overview of 2020 location interoperability status in Finland is based on the information provided by Maanmittauslaitos (National Land Survey)

LIFO 2020 Finland


The information collected from the LIFO 2020 data collection indicates that Finland has two main areas of strength in its location interoperability practice: “Standardisation and Reuse” and “Digital Government Integration”

Under “Standardisation and Reuse”, Finland is well positioned for its approach to monitoring, testing and upscaling new technological developments, on its use of APIs to facilitate discoverability of location data and, in general, on the reuse of existing authentic data, data services and relevant technical solutions.

Finland’s good positioning in the “Digital Government and Integration” focus area is mostly linked to the country’s approach to the integration of statistical and location information.

Finland scores quite below the European average in the “Return on Investment” focus area, and to a lesser extent also in the “Policy and Strategy Alignment” and “Governance, Partnership and Capabilities” focus areas.

In the “Policy and Strategy Alignment” focus area, the country has a good level of preparedness for the GDPR under location aspects and adopts location standards where applicable in procurement, it lags behind for the other recommendations, in particular for the lack of legislation or binding agreements mandating the use of authoritative location datasets and services in digital government.

Under “Governance, Partnership and Capabilities”, the country is aligned with the European average, therefore showing margins for improvement especially in the capacity building domain, as with most participating countries.

In the “Return on Investment” focus area, Finland registers the largest shortfall relative to the European average as well as the lowest score of the five focus areas, due to the lack of a strategic approach to funding public sector location reference data and to the basic performance monitoring of location-based services.


LIFO index for 2020

The value of the overall LIFO index combining the scores for all focus areas is 0.50, close to the European average of 0.55

                              Overall EULF Blueprint implementation for Finland


Additional information

For more details, download the factsheet in the attachment section below.

Click here to find out more about the Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO)

Click here to explore the LIFO 2020 and 2019 results in the LIFO Interactive Dashboards  


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Last update: 06/03/2025

ELISE - European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government
