Version v2023.0 25/01/2023 v2023.0 Switch to the latest release
Version summary
The version published at this time contains breaking and non-breaking changes.
🐛 Bugfixes
- #559 #912 ad, au, cp, hy and tn http redirections fixed - #787
- #661 application/atom+xml and text/xml added as valid types - #788
- #852 hy-n-as.b.1 geometry manual check - #789
- #854 noAccessText error message updated - #790
- #873 Topic category validation fixed - #791
- #883 nz-ia.a.2 SpecificExposedElementTypeValue path fix - #792
- #900 WFS Direct dependency updated - #793
- #881 Docker deployment issue - Docker deployment instructions updated
🚀 Validator UI
- #35 Modify default parameters in metadata urls to ensure ISO compliance - #41
- #31 Wrong dependency between WFS Conformance Classes - #43
- #30 Indications on the time that tests reports are kept - #40
- #29 Wrong title in the single test report page - #39
- #26 "Resource type" filter does not work in production - #38
Deployment instructions
The section containing the deployment process using Docker image and troubleshooting section. You can also find these in the training material
docker login #Provide Github credentials docker run --name inspire-validator -d -p 8090:8090 -v ~/etf:/etf #Launches a container with the image, exposing the UI in port 8090 through the same port in the host machine, and uses a volume in the local file system, on the directory ~/etf
Please note that installation instructions for apt-get include --allow-unauthenticated parameter because the certificate of the Debian repository has expired, so this parameter is needed to download and install the tools properly.
Modifying the Docker image
In the inspire-validator ZIP file, you can find all the resources needed to generate the Docker image from this release. If you would like to tweak anything from it, you can modify any of its contents (Dockerfile, entrypoint file, configuration files... ), then execute the command
docker build -t [IMAGE_NAME]:[VERSION]
You can run this again using the run command
docker run --name inspire-validator -d -p 8090:8090 -v ~/etf:/etf [IMAGE_NAME]:[VERSION]
Deployment on production host
The Docker image is set up to run at localhost to be deployed on any machine. However, users may need to access their validator on a dedicated host, usually with a domain name. For proper functioning of the validator, the UI and correct rendering of Test Reports, the validator needs to be configured to run on a domain.
If you want to run the webapp in another host, you can change the configuration file, inside the .war file inside the inspire-validator zip file accompanying this release, at WEB-INF/classes/
, and modify the etf.webapp.base.url
It is also necessary to configure the Validator UI properties in order to properly point to the ETF. Thus, it is necessary to modify the configuration values in the /validator/js/config.js file inside the (to point to the corresponding host domain).
Then you can proceed to the build process described in the previous point.
Since 22/12/2023 OGC moved to production version 5.5.2 (2022-08-26) of the TEAM Engine, which introduced credentials for the calls to the services.
Thus, any deployment which makes use of the OGC TEAM Engine needs to introduce credentials (to be requested here) in order to use them.
We have incorporated three parameters in the /WEB-INF/classes/ file of validator.war that need to be filled accordingly to authorize the use of the services:
#TEAM Engine credentials of your organization in order to properly use TEAM Engine remote calls
etf.testdrivers.teamengine.url =
etf.testdrivers.teamengine.username =
etf.testdrivers.teamengine.password =
Exposing the validator through a proxy
Usually, host machines are connected to a private network that accesses the Internet through a proxy. The Docker client needs to be configured to make use of this proxy, in order to be able to build the image and set up running the container.
For the build process, you need to add the following arguments to the command
--build-arg http_proxy=[HTTP_PROXY_URL:PORT] --build-arg https_proxy=[HTTPS_PROXY_URL:PORT] --build-arg no_proxy=,localhost,*.<my-domain>
For the run command, you need to add the environment variables to it
--env http_proxy=[HTTP_PROXY_URL:PORT] --env https_proxy=[HTTPS_PROXY_URL:PORT] --env no_proxy=,localhost,*.<mydomain>
These can also be set up in the Dockerfile, using the keyword ENV
For more information please check out
For further configuration, please download the file and follow the instructions in the file inside the .zip file.
Find changelog details & deployment instructions: