General information
Name of the solution:
Solution's owner: European Commission, Joint Research Centre
The European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint is a framework of recommendations and related guidance for publishing and using location information and applying interoperability principles in digital government. The EULF Blueprint was initially developed through the EULF project in the ISA programme. The content has been updated extensively through the European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) project, which is part of the ISA2 programme.
The EULF Blueprint implements the following:
Interoperability layers
EULF Blueprint implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:
Recommendation 2 | Openness
Recommendation 2 of the EULF Blueprint recommends alignment of location data policy with wider data policy, mentioning open data policy as an important example.
Recommendation 16 of the EULF Blueprint recommends an 'open data by default' policy to facilitate re-use of public sector location data by non-governmental actors. -
Recommendation 4 | Openness
Recommendation 12 of the EULF Blueprint recommends the use of open standards where possible.
Recommendation 5 | Transparency
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 2 recommends a prominent role for location information in national open data policy and implementation. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 3 spells out the requirements for transparency in how personal data is used.
Recommendation 6 | Reusability
Recommendation 11 of the EULF Blueprint encourages the reuse of relevant technical solutions where possible. Recommendation 8 of the EULF Blueprint recommends the use of an open and collaborative methodology for the design and improvement of location enabled public services. It recommends designing for reuse by future collaborators. Recommendation 19 of the EULF Blueprint on effective partnering includes partnership agreements for joint developments.
Recommendation 7 | Reusability
Recommendation 11 of the EULF Blueprint stipulates that public administrations should reuse existing authentic data, data services and relevant technical solutions where possible.
Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability
The EULF Blueprint does not stipulate the use of any specific solution or software, but rather encourages the use of standards to ensure that data is easily transferrable (e.g. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 5 on standards based procurement, Recommendation 10 on common architectural standards, and Recommendation 12 on use of geo and ICT standards including the use of open ICT standards to avoid vendor lock-in).
Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability
Recommendation 7 of the EULF Blueprint encourages the use of common SDI models, data and services, including those available in INSPIRE for delivering cross-sector and cross-border digital public services. The use of common standards helps to ensure data portability across sectors and borders.
Recommendation 10 | User centricity
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8 on user-centric design recommends delivering services through users' preferred channels and optimising the services for those channels.
Recommendation 11 | User centricity
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8 on user-centric design recommends giving users a single point of contact for a service . EULF Blueprint Recommendation 11 recommends implementing and using authentic data registers and services as part of a broader set of public sector base registers. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 16 recommends a strategic approach to funding of public sector core reference data. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 9 recommends using consistent geo-reference data for statistical analysis.
Recommendation 12 | User centricity
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8 encourages collaborative design and development of location-enabled digital public services, with users engaged in the process. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 18 recommends partnering effectively to ensure the successful development and exploitation of spatial data infrastructures, which in turns helps to ensure participation of various stakeholders in the process of public services development.
Recommendation 13 | User centricity
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8 on user-centric design promotes the adoption of the once-only principle, as well as recommends that the requested information should be relevant and proportionate to the needs of the service and the associated legislation.
Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 3 "Ensure all measures are in place, consistent with legal requirements, to protect personal privacy when processing location data" contains guidance on location data privacy, including the policy approach, the data management, awareness raising, trust measures and use of techniques such as anonymisation. More detailed guidance is available on Joinup (…).
Recommendation 16 | Multilingualism
In the EULF Blueprint, as part of the approach to implement Recommendation 13, it is recommended to establish a data quality standard which incorporates multilingualism to ensure consistency and appropriateness in the way key enterprise data is applied and reported across the National and European Data Infrastructures.
Recommendation 17 | Administrative simplification
In the EULF Blueprint, as part of the approach to implement Recommendation 13, it is recommended to establish a data quality standard which incorporates multilingualism to ensure consistency and appropriateness in the way key enterprise data is applied and reported across the National and European Data Infrastructures.
Recommendation 19 | Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
The EULF Blueprint 'Return on Investment' focus area covers the topic thoroughly. Relevant recommendations are Recommendation 14 "Apply a consistent and systematic approach to monitoring the performance of location-based services" and Recommendation 15 "Communicate the benefits of integrating and using location information in digital public services".
Recommendation 20 | Interoperability governance
Recommendation 17 of the EULF Blueprint recommends the establishment of an integrated governance of location information processes at all levels of government. This is fully in line with the EIF.
Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance
Recommendation 12 of the EULF Blueprint recommends the application of relevant standards to develop a comprehensive approach for spatial data modelling, sharing, and exchange to facilitate integration in digital public services, thus inherently recommending setting up an approach for selecting and evaluating the use of these standards.
Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance
As part of the implementation of Recommendation 12, the EULF Blueprint stipulates that Member States should apply INSPIRE and, where necessary, other geo-standards elaborated at international level (W3C, OGC, OASIS…) and European level (Copernicus, EIF, CEN TC/287…).
Recommendation 23 | Interoperability governance
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 5 recommends using a standards-based approach in the procurement of location data and related services in line with broader ICT standards-based procurement. More detailed guidance is also available on public procurement of geospatial technologies (…).
As part of the implementation of Recommendation 12, the EULF Blueprint encourages Member States to use open standards and to consult catalogues of recommended open standards both at national and international level. -
Recommendation 24 | Interoperability governance
Fully in line with the EIF, as part of implementation of Recommendation 12, the EULF Blueprint encourages Member States to actively engage in national and international standardisation activities relevant to your Geospatial Information (GI), ICT and digital government communities.
Recommendation 25 | Integrated public service governance
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 17 on integrated governance addresses individual services and projects as well as the macro environment of location interoperability.
Recommendation 26 | Integrated public service governance
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 18 provides guidance on partnering and recommendations on agreements to enable successful partnerships, including the exchange of interoperable data.
Recommendation 27 | Legal interoperability
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 1 in the Policy and Strategy Alignment focus area includes a recommendation on using a consistent approach to location information in different policy areas and references the 'Interoperability Checks' specified in the EIF.
Recommendation 28 | Organisational interoperability
As part of the implementation of Recommendation 12, the EULF Blueprint encourages the use of BPMN techniques to assess how processes can be improved and simplified and how location information can be used most effectively.
Recommendation 29 | Organisational interoperability
Recommendation 18 of the EULF Blueprint states that stakeholders should partner effectively to ensure the successful development and exploitation of spatial data infrastructures. The recommendation also provides guidance on how this could be achieved.
Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability
There are several instances in the EULF Blueprint where public administrations are encouraged to make the most out of their public data. For instance, Recommendation 4 stipulates that public administrations should make effective use of location-based analysis for evidence based policy making.
Recommendation 31 | Semantic interoperability
The EULF Blueprint contributes to the implementation of this recommendation in several ways. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 1 states that location information strategies should be integrated with digital government strategies in all legal and policy instruments. This helps to ensure appropriate location information management. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 7 includes guidance on spatial data infrastructure assessment and improvement, including use of reference data. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 13 provides several requirements with regard to the management of metadata by public administrations. More specifically, it encourages the implementation of an agreed metadata standard across the public sector, which is based on or is consistent with the INSPIRE approach.
Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability
Recommendation 12 of the EULF Blueprint recommends the use of open standards where possible.
Recommendation 35 | Model
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 10 contains recommendations and guidance on a common architectural approach for digital government solutions, facilitating the integration of geospatial components.
Recommendation 36 | Internal information sources and services
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 10 contains recommendations and guidance on a common architectural approach for digital government solutions, facilitating the integration of geospatial components. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 11 recommends reuse of authentic data, data services and relevant technical solutions where possible.
Recommendation 37 | Base registries
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 11 recommends implementing and using authentic data registers and services as part of a broader set of public sector base registers. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 16 recommends a strategic approach to funding of public sector core reference data. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 13 puts forward several provisions with regard to the combination of authoritative and non-authoritative data sources. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 4 recommends ensuring reference data semantics and standards are consistently applied in location-based analysis for policy making. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 9 recommends using consistent geo-reference data for statistical analysis. Furthermore, EULF Blueprint Recommendation 3 stresses the importance of complying with data protection principles as defined by European and national law when processing location data.
Recommendation 38 | Base registries
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 10 contains recommendations and guidance on a common architectural approach for digital government solutions, facilitating the integration of geospatial components. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 11 recommends implementing and using authentic data registers and services as part of a broader set of public sector base registers. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 16 recommends a strategic approach to funding of public sector core reference data. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 13 puts forward several provisions with regard to the combination of authoritative and non-authoritative data sources. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 4 recommends ensuring reference data semantics and standards are consistently applied in location-based analysis for policy making. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 9 recommends using consistent geo-reference data for statistical analysis. Furthermore, EULF Blueprint Recommendation 3 stresses the importance of complying with data protection principles as defined by European and national law when processing location data.
Recommendation 42 | Open data
Recommendation 13 of the EULF puts forward several provisions with regard to metadata management. For example, it encourages the implementation of an agreed metadata standard across the public sector, which is based on or is consistent with the INSPIRE approach.
Recommendation 43 | Open data
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 2 on making location information policy integral to, and aligned with, wider data policy at all levels of government, contains provisions on the contribution of location data to wider open data policy and integration of national with European initiatives.
Recommendation 44 | Catalogues
EULF Blueprint Recommendation 7 on reuse of SDI/INSPIRE models for digital public services contains recommendations to ensure SDI/INSPIRE data and services are discoverable in thematic, national, and EU catalogues and portals. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 11 to reuse existing authentic data, data services and relevant technical solutions where possible, contains a recommendation to use an online catalogue of re-usable technical solutions to find relevant solutions and references the European Commission catalogue of re-usable technical solutions on Joinup.
Recommendation 45 | External information sources and services
Making public sector data available for external use is covered in EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 17 contains integrated governance and guidance on use of APIs to link to both internal and external information sources.
Recommendation 46 | Security and privacy
Making public sector data available for external use is covered in EULF Blueprint Recommendation 8. EULF Blueprint Recommendation 17 contains integrated governance and guidance on use of APIs to link to both internal and external information sources.