The online Blueprint content corresponds to the Blueprint v5.1 version. You can download Blueprint v5 and previous versions by clicking on the links below.
EULF Blueprint v5.1 (current online version) |
2022 | |
EULF Blueprint v5.0 | 2021 | |
EULF Blueprint v4.0 | 2020 | |
EULF Blueprint v3.0 | 2019 | |
EULF Blueprint v2.0 | 2018 | |
EULF Blueprint v1.0 | 2017 |
Version 5.1 References to additional ELISE outputs published since EULF Blueprint v5 was made available. These include the LIFO 2020 factsheets, state of play report and interactive dashboards and additional ELISE webinars. New additional best practices -43- from the LIFO 2020 data collection. Updated UN-GGIM IGIF cross-references, corresponding to the 2022 versions of the Implementation Guides for 6 of the 9 Strategic Pathways. Updates for the 3 remaining Implementation Guides, the Solving the Puzzle document, and any other updated materials will be incorporated into the EULF Blueprint once they are published by the IGIF team (anticipated late 2022). Updates to benefits illustrations/case studies “Level of government” heading added to best practices. Online best practice indexing extended to include “policy domain’ and “level of government”. Suggested “getting started” resources added to document introduction. Update of significat policy references. |
Version 5.0 Cross-references to the UN-GGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF), so that users planning their activities can combine the resources of both frameworks.
Extending the cross-references to the EIF in the EULF Blueprint recommendations to include the EIF pillars in addition to the existing links to the EIF recommendations. Tables of relevant ELISE resources for each of the EULF Blueprint recommendations. These include studies, guidance, surveys / benchmarking, videos, webinars, workshops, presentations, training resources, solutions / tools, and pilots / testbeds. Links from the EULF Blueprint focus areas and recommendations to the corresponding LIFO reports and interactive dashboard capabilities. Updates to the three recommendations in the Return on Investment focus area, including additional guidance on policy assessments and business cases, approaches to monitoring and communication, relevant benefits case studies, and industry views on how to derive benefits from the Open Data Directive and European Data Strategy. A new Benefits Illustrations annex summarising benefits of location data and associated interoperability measures for different applications. Further guidance and examples on the use of location data and location intelligence in local and community situations, including relevant interoperability standards, integration of technologies, and examples in innovation for local communities. Additional further reading for each of the EULF Blueprint recommendations. Improved navigation and usability for the EULF Blueprint online version. |
Version 4.0 Inclusion of a foreword positioning the EULF Blueprint as the ISA2 Programme draws to a close. Rework of the introduction, with a new Gartner hype cycle of digital government technologies – 2019 and assumptions on some of the main definitions. Addition of a cross-references between the EIF and EULF Blueprint recommendations. Review and update of links and further reading to ensure they remain applicable. Updates to the 'current state' and 'future vision' for each focus area, taking into account the findings of the ELISE studies and the LIFO 2019 survey. Refocusing some of the recommendations to reflect developments in European digital and data policy and give greater emphasis on data ecosystems, digital platforms, location intelligence and technology-enabled innovation. Addition of a cross-reference table between EULF best practices and EULF Blueprint recommendations. Inclusion of several new best practices drawn from ELISE studies and the LIFO 2019 survey. Cross-references to the recently published ELISE study: The Role of Spatial Data Infrastructures in the Digital Government Transformation of Public Administrations. An updated glossary, including new entries for spatial data infrastructures, data ecosystems, digital twins, European data spaces, high value datasets, and location intelligence. |
Version 3.0 The main findings were incorporated from an ELISE study on the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect in May 2018. There were a number of updates to reflect new developments, e.g. an updated Gartner Hype Cycle, additional considerations on the use of APIs, and some new reference materials. A number of changes were made to improve readability, including creating more structured “how to” checklists for each recommendation. The actions are grouped under sub-headings, which were used to define priority questions for the Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO) assessment of location interoperability in Member States. The revision mirrors the layout of the online guidance, enabling readers to move easily between the two formats. |
Version 2.0 A new introduction was included to emphasise the strategic importance of location data and its role in digital government transformation. The recommendations, checklists and reference materials were refreshed to include additional content and improve readability. A new recommendation was added on data quality, Additional content was provided on new technical themes, including MESH architectures and APIs. A number of new best practice use cases were added. Some of the recommendations were reworded. The supporting text was simplified and the checklists were made more ‘actionable’. Initial online version published. |
Version 1.0 Initial publication |