Best Practice 87 - Smart Built Environment |
Country: Sweden |
Policy domain: Regional and urban development, Construction |
Level of government: National |
Process owners: Lantmäteriet |
Short description: “Smart Built Environment” is a programme based on the unique feature of integrating Building Information Models (BIM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and industrialised construction developments. Its aims are to take a holistic approach to the opportunities that digitalisation can bring and to catalyse the dissemination of new opportunities and business models across the built environment sector. The programme started in 2016 and is a long-term investment of up to 12 years. It is the single largest investment made in community building. Its measurable goals are to:
The activities encompass research, development and innovation, and deal with the digital infrastructure, applications and implementation in companies to create new knowledge, skills, services and products. The programme is based on a joint nationally-established strategic innovation agenda. Its success has been guaranteed by the unique way that sector stakeholders have united behind the initiative. More than 50 businesses and organisations participate actively in funded projects, activities and open calls. |
Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (6, 8); Return on Investment (16) |
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