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Re3gistry updates and implementations presented at Italian conference on Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial

Re3gistry at FOSS4G-IT 2021

Published on: 14/10/2021 Last update: 15/10/2021 News

From 19 to 21 September 2021, the FOSS4G-IT 2021 annual event showcased presentations, workshops and discussions on free and open-source geographic software and data. The three days event, jointly organised by and Wikimedia gathered developers, users, decision-makers ad observers of the open Source geo community.


On 21 September, Marco MINGHINI and Emanuela EPURE of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre ( JRC), and Gabriele CIASULLO and Antonio ROTUNDO of the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) presented in the session on “Management of Registries in Data Infrastructures: the New Version of Re3gistry and its Usage in Italy”

The presentation slides are available at here

New features now available with the latest version of Re3gistry!

The session showcased the features of Re3gistry, the reusable open-source

solution for managing and sharing "reference codes". The tool is developed and maintained by an open-source community in GitHub and coordinated under the ELISE Action of the ISA2 programme. Users and developers are invited to can take part in the development and improvement of the Re3gistry software.

Last year, Re3gistry v2.2.4 came out with new functionalities and improvements, including the long-awaited editing interface, the easier management of users and groups and the integration with a RESTful API compliant to the OpenAPI Initiative,

For users of past versions of the Re3gistry, version 2 onwards includes a feature to easily export data and an installation wizard allowing data migration from Re3gistry 1.3.

Only in 2021 7 new releases come out, with the latest Re3gistry v.2.2.4 bringing new features such as the update of CKEditor and different bug fixes.

Users and developers can find Re3gistry also in OSGeo Live 14.0, the Linux-based distribution that allows trying a wide variety of open source geospatial software without the necessity to install them.


Re3gistry reused by Agency for Digital Italy

The Re3gistry has been reused by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) to deploy the INSPIRE Italy Registry. It is managed by AgID as part of INSPIRE coordination activities with ISPRA, the Italian Institute for Environment Protection and Research, and the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

Based on Re3gistry software, the Italian INSPIRE Registry represents the Italian node providing the central access point to a number of nationally managed registers of geospatial information. It responds primarily to the obligations of Regulation (EU) no. 1089/2010 regarding the publication of the extensions to the code lists defined in the INSPIRE context. Examples include spatial objects related to Geo-topographic databases, spatial data of general interest and spatial reference systems.

The Italian registry contributes to the objective of the INSPIRE Directive to create a European Union spatial data infrastructure to share information among public sector organisations for EU environmental policies and activities.

With the implementation of the latest version of Re3gistry, Italian national public administrations that own vocabularies, taxonomies and nomenclatures will be able to participate in the management of the registers published in the INSPIRE Italy Registry while contributing to the implementation of the action of the Italian 2019-2021 ICT Three-Year Plan.

INSPIRE Italy Registry is an interoperability tool that contributes to better data-sharing among the Italian Public Administrations and their reuse by citizens and enterprises by improving the quality of data and metadata and enhancing public information.

Find out what the Re3gistry can do for you!

If you need to manage controlled vocabularies, try out the Re3gistry and the Register Federation tool. If you are a developer, do not hesitate to join the Re3gistry open source community.



Re3gistry is a reusable open-source solution for managing and sharing “reference codes”. It provides a consistent central access point where labels and descriptions for reference codes can be easily browsed by humans and retrieved by machines. Reference codes are exchanged between applications to uniquely reference some ‘thing’. They can be used to define sets of permissible values for a data field or to provide a reference or context for the data being exchanged. Examples are enumerations, controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, or, simply, ‘lists of things’. The software is funded by the ELISE Action of the ISA2 programme, which aims to enable digital government through geospatial data and location intelligence.

In particular, the tool contributes to the modernisation of public administrations by improving the different layers of interoperability (legal, organisational, semantic and technical).

Different public administrations have already deployed their Re3gistry instance.

Re3gistry is also part of the EIF toolbox, the interactive portal that provides guidance for national public administrations to support them in the implementation of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and foster the development of interoperable digital services.


Written by: Andrea Carini & Lorena Hernández