Three new training modules have just been incorporated on the following topics:
- Principles for Data and Metadata Harmonisation according to INSPIRE
- From INSPIRE to e-Government
- Monitoring and understanding emerging geospatial technologies
In addition, module INSPIRE Network Services has been extensively updated and there is also a new short video on benefits of INSPIRE available. The video purpose is to feature best practices and relevant examples of INSPIRE data usage, focusing on the benefits of the INSPIRE implementation.
Check out more information of each module and access them in the next table.
Access to this INSPIRE Training Library is free of charge, but registration is required.
The INSPIRE training platform, with 1475 users (as of 09/02/2021), has been conceived to support managers, public servants and technicians in the understanding and implementing the INSPIRE Directive.
The scope of the work, under the ELISE action, has been the update of the INSPIRE training platform content and the establishment of a strategy for the future exploitation of both the technical infrastructure and the training materials.
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