The objective of this workshop, held in Brussels, BE, on 13th April 2018, was to gather feedback from Member State representatives and transport operators about the work done so far by the ELISE team involved in INSPIRE to support Multi-Modal Travel Information Services (MMTIS).
MMTIS EU-wide provision is covered by the delegated regulation 2017/1926 of 31st May 2017 supplementing the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU. The objective of the project (lasting until March 2019) is to understand how INSPIRE relates with standards used in the transport domain: (Transmodel/NeTEx for public transport, TAP-TSI and RINF for rail, IATA for air and DATEX for road) and identify the possible overlaps. The final outcome of the work will be the formulation of recommendations to Member States on the usage of standards for the different data categories in scope, to facilitate the implementation of the delegated regulation, while taking into account the INSPIRE obligations.
The workshop audience expressed interest in guidelines and recommendations on how to implement the requirements of the delegated regulation for the data in scope of the project. In particular, the team was encouraged to explain the need for harmonized definitions of data categories across multiple standard. The next presentation of the project status is planned at the INSPIRE conference 2018 (18-21 September) in Antwerp, BE [1].