New online version of the EULF Blueprint

ELISE published the European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint v4 in September 2020. We are now pleased to announce the launch of the corresponding EULF Blueprint v4 online content. This replaces the EULF Blueprint v3 online content, which will be withdrawn from Joinup the end of February.
The EULF Blueprint is a unique framework of recommendations and related guidance for publishing and using location information and applying interoperability principles in digital government. There are five focus areas in the framework: policy and strategy alignment, digital government integration, standardisation and reuse, return on investment, and governance, partnerships and capabilities.
The EULF Blueprint includes recommended actions for location data publishers to create the next-generation SDI. It addresses policy and digital public service needs for both publishers and users of location data. There is also guidance on how public administrations dealing with location data interact with each other and with businesses and citizens through collaborative models such as digital platforms and data ecosystems. The aims are to support the European digital economy, drive innovation and deliver public value. The guidance is illustrated through a rich body of best practice case studies, drawn from ELISE studies and the ELISE Location Interoperability Framework Observatory (LIFO).
What's now available online?
The online version of the EULF Blueprint includes many new elements, reflecting latest developments and making it more usable. These include:
What's new? | Suggestions for readers |
A new getting started page with a video, an outline of the Blueprint context, and a summary of the guidance |
See the 'Blueprint for a User Driven SDI' for a summary of the guidance and thoughts on future positioning |
Updates to the 'current state' and 'future vision' for each focus area, based on ELISE studies and LIFO inputs. | This is a good starting point in using the Blueprint. See also the LIFO 2019 State of Play Report. Review in the context of your country's positioning. (*) |
Refocusing some of the recommendations to reflect developments in European digital and data policy, new business models and technology-enabled innovation. | See in particular recommendations 2, 6 an 7. Explore potential pathways for evolution of SDIs and the role of digital platforms, data ecosystems, digital twins and location intelligence. |
More extensive and explicit links with the EIF, cross-referencing the recently implemented EIF Toolbox | See EULF Blueprint and equivalent EIF Toolbox pages summarising the relationships between the EIF and EULF recommendations. Each EULF recommendation also now has links to the related EIF recommendations. |
A new best practices page, with case studies drawn from ELISE studies and LIFO contributions. | Check out the new Blueprint v4 best practices (30 to 49) and the EULF Blueprint recommendations adopted. Note the innovations at different levels of government. Let us know of any other examples we may include. |
Improvements in use of terminology | See new Glossary feature which is used across ELISE and includes abbreviations and definitions from the Blueprint. |
(*) Note: The EULF Blueprint will be updated again in 2021 to reflect the findings of the LIFO 2020 survey.
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