Why is location data privacy important for public administration, businesses and citizens?
The amount of big data generated in today’s increasingly digitalised world is growing faster and faster. However, if on the one end emerging technologies such artificial intelligence, internet of things (and so on) are benefiting from it and becoming ever more powerful, on the other hand, the use of big data expose people to numerous risks, one of which concerning the protection of their personal location data.
This webinar will give an overview of the complex topic of location data privacy, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, discussing challenges and risks related to the use of location information.
It will also summarise how the ELISE action has been contributing in this domain, and will provide guidance on applying of the European legislation on data protection. Finally, the webinar will close with a discussion on the future challenges and developments in this domain.
Deloitte experts Gabriele Di Nillo, Ilenia Pia Viceconti (data privacy and security experts) and Massimo Pedroli will walk you through the following topics:
- What is location data privacy?
- How location data privacy is being tackled in practice?
- ELISE action guidance in this domain
- Opportunities and challenges for the future
The speakers will highlight how the regulatory framework on location data privacy can be concretely applied in order to optimise the ways location data is processed through four "user journeys". These user journeys will showcase how ELISE provides support and guidance to different stakeholders,including: public sector, private sector and citizens.
In the second part, a discussion from different perspectives will enrich the webinar with the further knowledge by experts from this domain and giving opportunity to participants expressing their views and questions on the topic.
This webinar is a part of ELISE action Webinar series organised by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre under the ELISE ISA2 Action to discuss major subjects related to the use of location data, technology and skills in line with interoperability frameworks and practices, leveraging on the contributions already produced by ELISE in the context Digital Government Transformation.
The webinar will take place on the 22/10/2020 from 14:00 to 15:15 CEST (UTC+2)
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After the webinar you will be able to find here both the recording and the supporting slides of this webinar.
If you are interested in knowing more about ELISE Webinars you can find further information here.
Please also check the Location Data Privacy’s webpage on Joinup to get more insights about the topic and stay tuned on future developments.