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Report: European Union Location Framework Blueprint - version 5

EULF Blueprint - version 5

Published on: 12/10/2021 Last update: 14/11/2021 Document

The European Union Location Framework (EULF) Blueprint is a guidance framework for using location information in policy and digital public services.

The Blueprint support the needs of policy and digital public service developers on how to use location information through recommendations and implementation guidance.

It is developed under the ISA2 Programme and the predecessor ISA Programme and is fully aligned with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF), focusing on the aspects of ‘location interoperability’.


The EULF Blueprint has evolved through a series of versions. Here we present the new published version 5, which takes on board new EU policy priorities, advances in the use of location data, and opportunities afforded by new technologies.

The EULF Blueprint is
part of the EIF Toolbox

Main changes in the fifth version include:

The document is aimed at six types of reader: Policy Maker; Digital Public Service Owner, Manager or Implementer; Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Manager, Architect or Developer; Data Manager or Data Scientist; Public Sector Location Data Provider; and Private Sector Product or Service Provider.

There are 5 focus areas identified in the EULF Vision:

Five focus areas of the EULF Blueprint

For each focus area, the ‘current state’ assessment and ‘vision’ are outlined. The key points for progressing from the current state to the vision are then expanded into a series of 19 recommendations, each with detailed implementation guidance and associated resources.

Explore the vast resources available in the EULF Blueprint:

Download the new EULF Blueprint version 5

From Version 2 onwards, the Blueprint content has also been made available in an online version. After the completion of the ISA2 programme in 2021, it is envisaged that the EULF Blueprint will have a continued role as a domain interoperability framework complementing the EIF.

Explore the EULF Blueprint online version


Watch the EULF Blueprint video
Watch the EULF Blueprint video


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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)


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