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Open data facilitates digital solutions to improve management of the urban environment

Creating smart cities with open data

Published on: 12/10/2023 News

Learn how open data facilitates digital solutions to improve management and efficiency of the urban environment

Smart cities go beyond the use of digital technologies for better resource utilisation and reduced emissions; they involve making traditional networks and services of the urban environment, such as transport or water supply, more efficient through digital solutions. The goal is to improve operational efficiency, share more accurate information with the public and provide better quality of government service and citizen welfare.

Open data plays a crucial role into the transformation into a smart city. It supports researchers and businesses in creati

Smart mobility news piece
ng better products and services and allows developers to build applications using data such as real-time transport information or healthcare initiatives.

  • For example, the FixMyBerlin application presents the transition to a bicycle-friendly Berlin through an understandable and comprehensible map. By using real-time data, infrastructure developments are made visible within four categories: concept, planning, under construction and finished. The Happy Bike Index shows areas where cycling is safe and those that still pose dangers.
  • Another example of open data benefiting smart cities is Trulia, which provides insights into neighbourhoods for people interested in moving there. They source insights from locals to offer a deeper understanding of what living in that neighbourhood looks like. Using filters such as size, public transport connection and pet allowance, users can access the information they need.

The European Commission has set up a Smart Cities Marketplace to bring experts together and exchange ideas and experiences. Are you actively involved in the area of smart cities? Read more here and join the Smart Cities Marketplace.

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