Last update: 24/10/2019
websiteatschool-manuals 0.71 manuals-0.71 Switch to the latest release
Published on: 21/11/2011
Last update: 04/12/2015
This is a snapshot version of the English manual dated 2011-03-09.
This is a current snapshot version of the English Website@School manual. You can download either the .tar.gz or the .zip file. edd921114850cdafc3c87fdf8b170231 *websiteatschool-manuals-en-0.71.tar.gz c7495f1bf8c2d905a098ac3a1ac5cce6 * Unpack the file in CMS Root Folder (if you have already installed Website@School) and point your browser at 'program/manual.php'. Alternatively, you can unpack the file in the current directory and simply start reading at program/manuals/en/index.html. Note that this manual is very much still work in progress.
This is a snapshot version of the English manual dated 2011-03-09.