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How Chamilo (LMS), a European learning management platform, positions itself as a solid alternative to the Australian Moodle ?

Chamilo LMS as a solid alternative to Moodle.

Published on: 18/07/2023 Last update: 17/11/2023 News
Chamilo LMS versus Moodle

Chamilo (LMS, Learning Management System), a European learning management platform, positions itself as a solid alternative to Moodle. With a development base in Europe, Chamilo meets the rigorous quality standards of the continent, and more. What are its features and advantages ?

I. Strong European Foundations: The Chamilo project brings together various stakeholders who all share the same goal: to improve access to quality education for everyone worldwide. Chamilo is an Open Source and Libre learning management platform that was developed in Europe. The main developer of Chamilo and official service provider, BeezNest, is based in Brussels. The entire project is overseen by the Chamilo Association, a non-profit organization founded in 2010 in Belgium, with its headquarters in Spain since 2014. With European roots, Chamilo is designed to meet European standards and requirements for education quality. European institutions often have specific needs regarding privacy compliance, adherence to data protection regulations, and accessibility. Chamilo takes these aspects into account by offering a solution that aligns with European rigor.

II. Open source and customization : Like Moodle, Chamilo is an open-source learning management platform, which means its source code is accessible and modifiable. However, Chamilo provides a user-friendly onboarding and customization experience, allowing educational institutions to easily adapt it to their specific needs. Chamilo's European development teams actively work on continuously improving the platform in collaboration with the community, providing a solution better suited to European requirements.

III. Compliance with European standards : Compliance with standards and regulations is essential in the European context. Chamilo has been designed with these specific requirements in mind. Chamilo LMS is an open-source online learning platform created to meet European standards and interoperability requirements. This means that Chamilo can interface with other online learning systems, such as student administration systems, human resources management systems, and knowledge management systems. Chamilo LMS also complies with European standards of security and privacy, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This ensures that Chamilo can be used to create secure and privacy-respecting online learning environments. Here are some of the European interoperability standards supported by Chamilo LMS:

  • SCORM (Sharable Object Reference Model)
  • QTI (Question and Test Interoperability)
  • IMS LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)
  • AICC
  • ...

Support for European interoperability and security standards makes Chamilo LMS an ideal online learning platform for higher education institutions and companies looking to create integrated, consistent, secure, and privacy-respecting online learning environments.

IV. Consideration of linguistic and cultural diversity : Europe is characterized by its linguistic and cultural diversity. Chamilo offers a multilingual interface and the ability to easily translate its content into different languages. This attention to linguistic and cultural diversity allows European institutions to use Chamilo in a more localized context or, conversely, to create online learning environments accessible to a global audience. Moreover, the platform supports specific features such as handling special characters and non-Latin alphabets.

V. Active community and responsive support network : Chamilo benefits from an active community of over 35 million users worldwide, including many in Europe. This dynamic community actively contributes to the continuous development of the platform by making improvements, fixing bugs, and proposing new features. The diversity of Chamilo's users from different countries and industries ensures a wealth of ideas and innovations. Additionally, Chamilo has a strong network of official service providers in Europe, offering responsive and localized technical support. This network of certified partners includes qualified and experienced experts in Chamilo's deployment, customization, and maintenance. They are available to address specific user needs and provide reactive assistance in case of technical issues, such as detecting security vulnerabilities. This near-instantaneous responsiveness ensures peace of mind for European institutions regarding the security and maintenance of their learning platform.

VI. Associative commitment : Chamilo is driven by a non-profit association headquartered in Spain, Europe. The association encourages active user participation in the platform's development and promotes transparency and collective decision-making, in line with European associative values.

VII. Thoughtful approach to built-in features : Chamilo distinguishes itself by avoiding excessive plugin proliferation, which prevents platform overload and avoids opening security vulnerabilities. Instead, Chamilo favors a thoughtful approach by integrating essential features directly into the platform. This ensures a smooth user experience while maintaining a high level of security.

Chamilo LMS

We will summarize Chamilo's strengths compared to Moodle in a European context through these points :

  1. Strong European foundations: Chamilo is developed in Europe, meeting European education's standards and quality requirements.
  2. Thoughtful ergonomics: Chamilo prioritizes minimal clicks per action, resulting in an intuitive interface, logical organization, and thoughtful ergonomics. This reduces training time and adoption during implementation.
  3. Thoughtful approach to built-in features: Chamilo prioritizes a thoughtful approach by integrating essential features directly into the platform, avoiding excessive plugins and compromising security.
  4. European rigor: Chamilo is designed to meet the specific needs of European educational institutions regarding privacy, data protection regulations compliance, and accessibility.
  5. Compliance with European standards: Chamilo is compatible with major European interoperability and online learning standards, ensuring seamless integration with other systems and a consistent learning experience.
  6. Consideration of linguistic and cultural diversity: Chamilo offers a multilingual interface and supports special characters and non-Latin alphabets, providing an experience tailored to different European languages and cultures.
  7. Responsive support network: Chamilo has a strong network of official service providers offering reactive technical support and assistance when needed.
  8. European alternative: By choosing Chamilo, European institutions support a European solution, reinforcing diversity and technological independence in learning management.

These strengths make Chamilo a competitive and appealing solution for European educational institutions, offering a platform tailored to their specific needs while respecting European values regarding education and security.

How to Get Started with Chamilo

Chamilo LMS is an Open Source software, and official developers are responsible for controlling and integrating contributions, making it very easy for public administrations to contribute improvements, thereby allowing other administrations to benefit from them afterward.

Individuals who wish to test Chamilo can use our free solidarity demo at

For those interested in a more personalized test, they can use one of the following methods:

  • Download and install Chamilo from
  • Contact one of the official providers of the Chamilo Association to set up and provide hosting for a personalized portal and benefit from personalized services:
  • Obtain cPanel hosting with the Softaculous component, which offers an easy Chamilo installer.

Resources and Documentation

Documentation is available through various channels:


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