Moderator: Leontina Sandu
DIGIT (Leontina)
GROW (Athanassios Karalopoulos)
REFORM (Adrian Juan Verdejo)
Moderator: Andrea Halmos
Leontina Sandu
Claudia Oliveira
Alina Brebenel
Joep Crompvoets
1. EIF under a research perspective
2. Interoperability assessments: discovery journey or reporting tool?
3. Towards a new monitoring of interoperability of digital public services in the Union (under the Act)
4. Multidisciplinary teamwork to enable digital-ready policymaking
5. EIRA use cases. A business perspective
Moderator: Sven
Joep Crompvoets, Marijn Janssens, Maria Wimer, Michael Raeckers and Vasillios Peristeras
Moderator: Leontina Sandu
Alina Brebenel, Barry Kruger, Carina Americo, Vassilios Peristeras, Stefan Dedovic, Michal Bukowski and Raluca Barac.
Moderator: Gijs Hillenius
Moderator: Alexandra
1. Miguel Alvarez
2. Herbert Leitold
3. Marizia Konidi
4. Alicia Jimenez Gonzalez
5. Gregory Steenbeck and Joao Rodriguez
6. Dimitrios Gatzofilos and Claudio Baldassare
7. Pieter Colpaert
- Semantic interoperability and artificial intelligence
- The role of open source in Interoperability
- What EUDI Wallet and Once Only Technical System have in common?
- About Once Only Technical System and beyond
- Breaking the barriers by unleashing innovation through interoperable digital solutions
- Support in implementing digital projects