How exactly will the EU Digital Identity Wallet work? Explore the specifications outlined in the Architecture and Reference Framework which outlines how the wallets distributed by Member States will function.
On 3 June 2021, the European Commission adopted a Recommendation calling on Member States to work towards the development of a Toolbox including a technical Architecture and Reference Framework a set of common standards and technical specifications and a set of common guidelines and best practices.
The Recommendation specifies that these outcomes will serve as a basis for the implementation of the proposal for a European Digital Identity Framework, without the process of developing the Toolbox interfering with, or prejudging the legislative process.
The Recommendation foresees that the Toolbox is developed by Member States’ experts in the eIDAS Expert Group in close coordination with the Commission and, where relevant for the functioning of the European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet infrastructure, other concerned public and private sector parties.
The ARF Drafts are available on GitHub.
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