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EIF Perspective attributes of eSignature

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks


The CEF eSignature Building Block allows public administrations, businesses, and citizens to electronically sign any document, anywhere in Europe, at any time, in line with the eIDAS Regulation for e-signatures, e-seals and related services offered by Trust Service Providers.

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Common services
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The eSignature implements the following:

eSignature implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 4 | Openness

    eSignature provides the Member States with the Digital Signature Software (DSS) open-source library to ensure that their eSignatures are created and verified in line with European legislation and standards.

  • Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    As it encourages Member States to identify their needs and choosing the most appropriate way of enabling eSignatures, eSignature does not impose any technology specific solution.

  • Recommendation 10 | User centricity

    eSignatures functionalities can be used by citizens to access several public services, through different channels.

  • Recommendation 14 | Inclusion and accessibility

    eSignature can be seen as enabling the access to public services to all citizens, like for instance those with limited mobility.

  • Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy

    eSignature allows for the creation of secure and trustworthy electronic signatures.

  • Recommendation 17 | Administrative simplification

    By allowing for the use of electronic signatures, eSignature uses digital channels to simplify the delivery of public services and to reduce administrative burdens.

  • Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance

    In order to help service providers and public administrations test interoperability and conformity of the eSignature solutions, eSignature provides an electronic signature conformance checker, which verifies the conformity of advanced electronic signatures against the ETSI standards.

  • Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance

    Thanks to services like the electronic signature conformance checker, eSignature tries to put in place an objective and common approach to assessing and selecting standards.

  • Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability

    The CEF eSignature encourages community driven development and updates of standards, hence involving a wide range of stakeholders in its maintenance and development. 

  • Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability

    The CEF eSignature building block is based on open specifications and standards. 

  • Recommendation 47 | Security and privacy

    eSignature complies with the Regulation on eID and Trust Services, thus ensuring secure and protected data exchange in public services.