General information
Name of the solution:
Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
The CEF eInvoicing Building Block aims to promote the successful uptake of electronic invoicing in Europe, respecting the European standard on electronic invoicing and Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement.
This is relevant for both public and private entities established in the EU, as well as in participating EEA countries.
The eInvoicing implements the following:
Interoperability layers
eInvoicing implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:
Recommendation 4 | Openness
The Invoicing building block provide services to support the use electronic invoices compliant with the European Standard (EN 16931) for electronic invoices.
Recommendation 7 | Reusability
By allowing allow for the exchange of eInvoices between service providers and receiving authorities national and across borders, eInvoicing ensures the sharing of data.
Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability
As the specifities of implementation of B2G eInvoicing and approach to receiving and processing eInvoices depend on the Member State's context, eInvoicing does not impose any technology specific solution.
Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability
Given that eInvoicing encourages the use of PEPPOL and mandates compliance to the European eInvoicing standard, it helps to ensure data portability, and the eInvoices could be easily shared and received.
Recommendation 17 | Administrative simplification
eInvoicing building block supports organisations to implement electronic eInvoices. This contributes to the simplification of the invoicing cycle by replacing the burdensome paper process with seamless digital Invoices.
Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance
Thanks to the eInvoicing conformance testing service, which provides test cases and a ready-to-use testing platform to assess Member States' solution’s technical compliance with the European standard, Member States can verify their compliance with the standard and ensure that they select appropriate solutions.
Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability
The CEF eInvoicing building blocks encourages community driven development and updates of standards, hence involving a wide range of stakeholders in its maintenance and development.
Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability
The CEF eInvoicing building block is based on open specifications and standards.