General information
Name of the solution:
Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
The eID Building Block allows public administrations and private service providers to easily extend the use of their online services to citizens from other Member States, in line with the eIDAS Regulation.
The eID implements the following:
Interoperability layers
eID implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:
Recommendation 4 | Openness
The CEF eID building block is based on open specifications and open standards.
Recommendation 7 | Reusability
By allowing the identification of citizens and businesses from other Member States using online services, eID ensures the reuse and sharing of data.
Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability
As the specific steps required to connect to the national eIDAS-Node depend on the Member State's chosen infrastructure and eID scheme(s), eID does not impose any technology specific solution.
Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability
Thank to the eIDAS nodes, which are configured to recognise all notified eID schemes in Europe, eID allows for data portability.
Recommendation 10 | User centricity
eID functionalities can be used for several services, through different channels.
Recommendation 11 | User centricity
Member States in need can contact the relative Single Point of Contact to get support in the implementation of the e-IDAS node. Further services are also provided by the eID Service Desk.
Recommendation 13 | User centricity
By being able to share citizens' information across borders through the e-IDAS nodes, eID promote the once-only principle.
Recommendation 14 | Inclusion and accessibility
eID can be seen as enabling the access to public services to all citizens, like for instance those with limited mobility.
Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy
eID, thanks to the e-IDAS nodes, allows for a secure and trustworthily data exchange between pubic administrations and in interactions with citizens and businesses.
Recommendation 17 | Administrative simplification
By allowing the sharing of information across border, eID uses digital channels to simplify the delivery of public services and to reduce administrative burdens.
Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance
Thanks to the Interoperability Readiness Testing platform, eID helps eIDAS-Node implementers verify the interoperability readiness of their nodes by performing tests based on test assertions derived from the eIDAS technical specifications.
Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance
Thanks to services like the Interoperability Readiness Testing platform, eID promotes an objective and common approach to assess and select standards and specifications.
Recommendation 25 | Integrated public service governance
By promoting the implementation of the eIDAS nodes, eID ensures interoperability and coordination over time when operating and delivering public services.
Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability
By allowing the sharing of information across border, eID promotes the perception of identity data as standardised data, which should be properly managed.
Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability
The CEF eID encourages community driven development and updates of standards, hence involving a wide range of stakeholders in its maintenance and development.
Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability
The CEF eID building block is based on open specifications and standards.
Recommendation 35 | Model
eID puts forward a common scheme for the sharing of data across border, thus allowing for service interconnection.
Recommendation 36 | Internal information sources and services
The eIDAS network can be seen as a shared infrastructure that can be used by the different public administrations.
Recommendation 37 | Base registries
By allowing access to citizens' information across border, eID makes authoritative sources of information available to different parties, while ensuring the necessary level of security and privacy.
Recommendation 47 | Security and privacy
eID complies with the Regulation on eID and Trust Services, thus ensuring secure and protected data exchange in public services.