General information
Name of the solution:
Solution's owner: DIGITAL Building Blocks
The eDelivery Building Block helps public administrations to exchange data and documents via AS4 Access Points, based on the AS4 messaging protocol. This allows different parties to exchange electronic data and documents across sectors and borders through a secure eDelivery message exchange network. By connecting to an AS4 Access Point, a public administration can exchange electronic data and documents with any organisation connected to another Access Point in the network. The eDelivery Building Block also helps upgrade existing solutions so they can connect to eDelivery messaging networks through an Access Point.
The eDelivery implements the following:
Interoperability layers
Conceptual model
eDelivery implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:
Recommendation 3 | Openness
xThe eDelivery building block puts forward and provides an open source software implementation of AS4, an open specification for secure exchange of data. This can be reused by any organisation throughout Europe.
Recommendation 4 | Openness
xThe eDelivery building block puts forward and provides services and resources around AS4, an open specification for secure data exchange. This can be reused by any organisation throughout Europe.
Recommendation 6 | Reusability
xThe eDelivery building block can be reused by any organisation in Europe to implement secure data exchange capabilities.
Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability
The eDelivery building block encourages technological neutrality as it prescribes the use of an open AS4 specification but not any specific software.
Recommendation 9 | Technological neutrality and data portability
By encouraging the use of an open AS4 specification, eDelivery building block promotes data portability.
Recommendation 15 | Security and privacy
One of the main objectives of eDelivery is to promote secure and reliable data exchange among organisations.
Recommendation 17 | Administrative simplification
eDelivery enables and supports secure data exchange among organisations through digital channels.
Recommendation 21 | Interoperability governance
The AS4 standard recommended to be used by all public administrations was chosen and defined together with all Member States, thus following a rigorous selection process.
Recommendation 22 | Interoperability governance
All Member States participated to the selection and development of the AS4 standard thus ensuring a transparent and rigorous approach to its selection.
Recommendation 23 | Interoperability governance
AS4 is one of the standards the Member States are encouraged to use. Hence, by using it, they by default are consulting European level catalogues of standards.
Recommendation 24 | Interoperability governance
All Member States are invited to further contribute to the improvement and any amendments that take place with regard to the eDelivery building block.
Recommendation 30 | Semantic interoperability
Any Member States interested in fully harnessing the eDelivery building block have to perceive data as public asset that should be appropriately generated, and exchanged.
Recommendation 32 | Semantic interoperability
The CEF eDelivery building block encourages community driven development and updates of standards, hence involving a wide range of stakeholders in its maintenance and development.
Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability
The eDelivery building block provides an open specification for data exchange capabilities using AS4 exchange protocol.
Recommendation 47 | Security and privacy
The eDelivery building block is compliant with the definition of trust service by the eIDAS regulation (ERDS - Electronic Registered Delivery Service).