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EIF Perspective attributes of Core Assessment Vocabulary (CAV)

General information

Name of the solution:

Solution's owner: European Commission


The Core Assessment Vocabulary represents and defines what an “Assessment” of “assets” is and how to perform the assessment based on “Criteria”. It is a domain-agnostic vocabulary, meaning that it can be used to assess any type of assets.

EIF perspective reference
Type of solution: Semantic assets
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The Core Assessment Vocabulary (CAV) implements the following:

Core Assessment Vocabulary (CAV) implements the following EIF recommendations as explained below:

  • Recommendation 4 | Openness

    The CAV is a Open Source that allow any stakeholder to reuse it.

  • Recommendation 6 | Reusability

    The CAV can be extended for designing new data models according to stakeholders' needs, while still ensuring the interoperability

  • Recommendation 8 | Technological neutrality and data portability

    The CAV, as data model, does not impose the use of any particular software, thus, ensures technological neutrality

  • Recommendation 11 | User centricity

    The development of the CAV includes the creation of WG and public consultations that ensure that the development process is open and different stakeholders can participate.

  • Recommendation 33 | Technical interoperability

    The CAV is based on open specifications.