The Common Mapping of Innovation Supporting Actors (CMISA) team is pleased to announce that the demonstrator website is officially live!
? To find out more❗? https://ec.europa.eu/innovation-actors-mapping
CMISA - funded by European Union’s ISA² Programme - aims to facilitate the exchange of data on innovation supporting actors between various European and national websites, allowing the websites that collect mentioned data to easily share and reuse each other’s datasets using common, interoperable tools. This way companies that seek support to innovate will have access to more reliable, less fragmented and more comprehensive information of their interest. At launch, CMISA integrates data on Digital Innovation Hubs, Advanced Technology Centres and European Clusters. We are integrating new sources soon, including Enterprise Europe Network partners and other innovation supporting actors.
There are at least three ways that you can integrate the data from CMISA to your website:
- via the embeddable map
- download the excel file
- query directly the central database

- How CMISA can help you?
Follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the dedicated page on Joinup where you will also find further information on each resource, as well as a roadmap on how to explore them.

Benefits for all Users:
- easily searchable and sharable database that goes beyond your website network
- easier to find the service you are looking for in the merged dataset that combines information from multiple sources
- alleviates you from the effort of searching through multiple websites to find the information or service you look for

Benefits for Researchers :
- analyse one big, merged dataset with data from multiple sources

Benefits for Partner Websites:
- merging your data in the CMISA central database will drive traffic to your website, hence more visibility
- by embedding the CMISA map to your website, you will create a richer experience for your users with minimum effort

Check it out the demonstrator website and make sure to bookmark and revisit it frequently!
For additional information and technical support, please contact us at: