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Report: Best Practices of AAA implementations

Best Practices of AAA implementations

Published on: 16/02/2015 Last update: 05/03/2020 Document Archived

As part of ISA Action 1.17, A Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform

(ARE3NA) a project was launched by the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) on Authentication, Authorization & Accounting for Data and Services in EU Public Administrations, with a focus on the access control needs of the INSPIRE Directive.

This document, D1.3 – Best Practices of AAA implementations, covers a review of how standards and technologies have been put into practice for spatial data and services, as well as work in other sectors, such as research and e-government. This output also contributes to the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group in terms of developing Guidelines and Best Practices for Access Control and provided discussion points with experts at a workshop on this topic alongside evidence for the AAA testbed's developments.


The JRC wishes to thank the authors for their work in supporting ARE3NA.

Description of license: EUPL

Nature of documentation: Independent reports and studies


Type of document
European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 (EUPL)