The Interoperable Europe Board is established by the Interoperable Europe Act
eGovernmentEuropean Policies
Last update: 11/02/2025
Interoperability assessments space
In this forum we will gather best practices on interoperability assessments, inform about related events and networking opportunities, and gather feedback on any tools that are developed to support the interoperability assessments in the future.
Digital-ready policymakingeGovernment+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
Science for Innovations in Public Governance
The European Joint Research Centre (JRC) provides technical expertise and capacity-building support to policymakers across the European Union.
Digital innovationLegal+11 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
EUIBA Emerging Technologies
Projects related to emerging technology initiatives on AI, blockchain,extended reality, etc.) within European Union Institutions, Bodies and Agencies.
Digital innovationTools+5 topics
Last update: 27/02/2024
GR digiGOV-innoHUB - The Greek EDIH for Public Services
The Greek Digital Government and Public Services Innovation Hub provides a networking space for digital innovation actors to collaborate and share best practices in the field of Public Administration Digital Transformation.
Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+3 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
FOSSEPS - Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services
European initiative providing knowledge on Free and Open Source Software for European Public Services.
Open Source SoftwareCollaborationeGovernment
Last update: 13/02/2024
ENDORSE exchange platform
High dynamism and innovation underpin the digital transformation of our public administrations. Join our community of practice, interact with peers and semantic and knowledge management specialists! The ENDORSE exchange platform is designed to help.
LegalStandardisation+5 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the digital transformation
The EC Joint Research Centre shares its knowledge on APIs and their adoption in organisations.
StandardisationeGovernment+3 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
Common Mapping of Innovation Supporting Actors
This collection provides information on CMISA, a common data model for exchanging data on innovation between various European and national websites.
CollaborationeGovernment+2 topics
Last update: 20/04/2021
Study on "Data Analytics for Member States and Citizens"
An in depth look at the government pioneers of data analytics. What can we learn from them? How can we scale up data driven public services across Europe?
Statistics and informationBanking and financial services+7 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024
SSI eIDAS Bridge
Sharing information on a self-sovereign identity based on blockchains and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
LegalOpen Source Software+6 topics
Last update: 30/10/2024
Digital-ready Policymaking
In line with the Interoperable Europe Act, the Digital-ready Policymaking (DRPM) community cultivates a dynamic network that includes policy officers, public service implementers, data engineers, IT specialists, and digital enthusiasts alike.